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What Else Can We Do to Pass the Bonds?
- Like us on Facebook, follow on Twitter & Instagram
- Share our posts with your friends
- Invite your friends to follow us on social media
- Become familiar with our website and the information on it –
- Place a yard sign in your yard (Need one? Let us know!)
- Put a magnet on your car (Need one? Let us know!)
- Have a business relationship? Ask to post a sign
- Know a contact for a large sign? We’re looking for strategic locations throughout the county–tell us if you have a place for one! Let us know!
- Part of a civic organization? Invite us to speak
- Hand out materials at upcoming PTO events
- Host a PTO event to educate people about the bond
- Talk to your immediate neighbors
- Especially if they don’t have kids OR kids in private schools
- This is good for future home values/desirability
- This will create construction jobs in Iredell County
- This is good for recruiting businesses to locate here
- Volunteer for a phone bank
- Walk neighborhoods and knock on doors
- Sign up to volunteer at community events (ie: Chili Cook-off) Sign up here.
- Volunteer at the polls on election day (we’re looking for cute kids!!! We have t-shirts)
- Think outside the box – share your ideas with us
- Paint your car with window paint
- Send us pictures of friends/neighbors/businesses for Facebook
- Create buzz: Solo cup YES on wire fencing – take pic to post on Facebook
- Create a VOTE YES Committee in your school or community to organize the efforts
- Whatever you do, PLEASE GO VOTE!!!
- Especially if they don’t have kids OR kids in private schools
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