OS1 President Beth Packman speaks at the SIHS groundbreaking.

The 2020 Bond includes $80 million for a new I-SS high school

The southern end of Iredell County has rapidly grown in recent years.  Currently, there are 10,000 new houses being developed south of Troutman and across the southern end of our county.  In the Iredell-Statesville Schools, both of our southern end high schools (Lake Norman High School and South Iredell High School) are functioning over capacity.  

Some years ago, the I-SS Board of Education had the foresight to purchase land in the southern end of the county, in anticipation of growth.  Currently, the I-SS owns two pieces of land that will be considered for the new high school location:

  • 85 acres off of Parkertown Road in the southeastern portion of the county
  • 106 acres off of Overcash Road in the southeastern portion of the county

Passage of the Iredell County School Bond Referendum will not only benefit citizens in the southern end of the county.  Due to sound financial management by the county and district, there were funds remaining from the 2014 bond. Those funds will be used for the following:

  • CTE Expansion/renovation at West Iredell High School
  • Renovation or tear down replacement for West Iredell MIddle School
  • Scotts Elementary roof work; mechanical/electrical upgrades & site improvement
  • Sharon Elementary  general renovations and improvements
  • Celeste Henkel roof work; mechanical/electrical upgrades and site improvement
  • Cloverleaf Elementary site improvements