The following editorial by David Bradley appeared this week in local publications. David is the president of the Greater Statesville Chamber of Commerce, whose membership has passed a resolution supporting the November 4 bond referendum. There are two bond referendums on the ballot for citizens of Iredell County to consider on November 4. Frankly, it […]
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Tag: Statesville
Former Commissioner Diane Hamby: “Our sch
The following letter to the editor, authored by former County Commissioner Diane Hamby, will appear this week in local media. The leaves are falling, there is a chill in the morning air, and political signs are popping up everywhere. We see and hear endless TV and radio commercials trying to persuade us to vote. Election […]
Video: Why NIHS and Cool Spring Need Your...
Maybe you haven’t walked through North Iredell’s chorus classroom in a while. Maybe you haven’t seen Cool Spring students crossing the car rider line to go to class. Either way, this video is a clear reminder of why your YES vote on November 4th is so important. The auditorium building at North Iredell is substandard, and […]